Iosif Demian returns forty years later to Rosia Montana, the place where two memorable films of the Romanian cinema have been shot: "Nunta de piatra" and "Duhul aurului" for which he signed the cinematography.
Iosif Demian returns forty years later to Rosia Montana, the place where two memorable films of the Romanian cinema have been shot: \"Nunta de piatra\" and \"Duhul aurului\" for which he signed the cinematography.
罗马尼亚影史名作[石婚]的摄影师Iosif Demian时隔40年重返拍摄地Roșia Montană拍摄的“Making of”,有着很诗意的重建记忆的方式。升降镜头和叠化用得很有特色。在线[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzAKb3eVzTA]