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"The X Files" SE 7.17 All Things

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和斯科莉(Gillian Anderson 吉莲•安德森 饰)发生争执后,穆德(David Duchovny 大卫•杜楚尼 饰)独自前往英国调查农田怪圈事件。斯科莉留在华盛顿工作,偶然的信件错换使她重逢因心脏病住院的旧情人丹尼尔医生(Nicolas Surovy 饰),这令斯科莉原本平静的心一片混乱。
  经过短暂生离死别,丹尼尔陷入长久昏迷。斯科莉心绪愈加难明,转而求助宗教人士阿扎(Colleen Flynn 饰)寻找人生答案。失意的斯科莉追踪一个神秘女孩来至华人街区一所寺庙中,在佛像前跪下,人生过往不断于眼前闪现……
Scully is finishing up the autopsy of a person at a hospital. A file mix-up involving the autopsy folder and another patient's x-ray leads Scully to discover a former lover of hers has been admitted at the hospital. Meeting with him again causes Scully to re-examine the decisions she has made in her life, leading to her where she is to today.


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