Set in a small West Virginia mining town nestled in the foothills of Appalachia, THE EVENING HOUR tells the story of a small-time drug dealer, Cole Freeman, who is driven to action and redemption in response to a set of unexpected circumstances that threaten to tear the close-knit fabric of family, friendship, land, and history that binds everyone, and everything, he loves.
Adaptation of Carter Sickels' 2012 novel.
在 IFC 看的,还赶上导演和两位卡司来 Q&A 的场;片子本身有点好睡……
#TorinoFF# 明明是讲贩毒却惬意到sleepy,果然是因为乡间生活太美好了。摄影满分,景色太美了,帧帧可当壁纸,还有可人的民谣,心满意足(重点大偏
#49th IFFR#Voices- Big Screen Competition。圣丹斯-鹿特丹双选,比较套路的锈带小镇青年片(故事简直是按模板写的……),摄影相当不错,West Virginia的山林夕阳真是美。