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一次游轮上的生日派对开启了一扇秘密的大门。厨师片濑凉(木村拓哉 饰)吸引了生日派对的主角——大财团的千金西原美羽(井川遥 饰)的目光,也引起了美羽的好友堂岛优子(深津绘里 饰)的注意。而优子的警察哥哥完三(明石家秋刀鱼 饰)正在处理一起女大学生的命案,作为警察的直觉让他怀疑起了凉。
The story opens after a young female student kills herself by jumping off a balcony. It's soon discovered that she was in fact stabbed, and the room arranged to make it look like a suicide. And so we begin. A few minor details lead Detective Kanzo to suspect that Ryo, an enigmatic chef's assistant, knows more about her death.The two have run into each other by chance a few times, and each time left Kanzo with an uncomfortable feeling. Every clue that is revealed seems to lead to more questions about Ryo, his obsessive girlfriend, his callous and manipulative relations with several women, and about a painful memory from Kanzo's past. Things get more complicated when a powerful love/hate relationship develops between Ryo and Kanza's little sister, the beautiful Yuko. What exactly is their connection? As the evidence (and body count) rises, Kanza tries desperately to save his sister from Ryo's influence. He's no saint, but is he the Devil Kanza thinks he is? And why? The answers will ...


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