乔治(约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)本是一个普通的汽车工程师,然而,一束强光的照射彻底改变了他平凡的命运,一些神奇的能力逐渐的开始在乔治的身上显现。乔治的变化并没有让他获得他人羡慕的目光,正相反,曾经的朋友和邻居都因为他的怪异举动而对他产生了抵触的情绪,乔治渐渐变得孤立无援。
至始至终守护在乔治身边的是名叫莱斯(凯拉·塞吉维克 Kyra Sedgwick 饰)的女人,在她的温柔关怀下,乔治重拾了生活的热情和信心。他积极的利用自己的超能力做起了帮助他人的善事,而他的名声也因此越传越远。乔治的能力并非取之不尽用之不竭,当力量逐渐枯竭之时,会有怎样的命运等待着他呢? John Travolta plays George Malley, who owns the local auto repair shop in a small California town. After celebrating his birthday with friends at the local bar/hang-out, George heads for home. He pauses to watch a strange light in the sky, then collapses for a few seconds in the middle of the deserted street. In the days and weeks that follow, George finds his IQ and consciousness expanding dramatically, and develops telekinetic abilities. Despite his attempts to explain what has happened to him, with just a very few exceptions, most of the local townspeople treat the "new" George as a freak. His state of isolation becomes even more pronounced when his new-found abilities allow him to correctly predict an earthquake, and outside authorities become interested in what's happened to him.
至始至终守护在乔治身边的是名叫莱斯(凯拉·塞吉维克 Kyra Sedgwick 饰)的女人,在她的温柔关怀下,乔治重拾了生活的热情和信心。他积极的利用自己的超能力做起了帮助他人的善事,而他的名声也因此越传越远。乔治的能力并非取之不尽用之不竭,当力量逐渐枯竭之时,会有怎样的命运等待着他呢? John Travolta plays George Malley, who owns the local auto repair shop in a small California town. After celebrating his birthday with friends at the local bar/hang-out, George heads for home. He pauses to watch a strange light in the sky, then collapses for a few seconds in the middle of the deserted street. In the days and weeks that follow, George finds his IQ and consciousness expanding dramatically, and develops telekinetic abilities. Despite his attempts to explain what has happened to him, with just a very few exceptions, most of the local townspeople treat the "new" George as a freak. His state of isolation becomes even more pronounced when his new-found abilities allow him to correctly predict an earthquake, and outside authorities become interested in what's happened to him.
两星半 突然获得的能力代表什么呢?人类的科技文明吗?很粗糙的在讲一个没有结论的浅显问题
高中的时候看的,那时候完全不认识屈伏塔和他的名气,我纯粹是在channel v看到Eric Clapton 唱的主题曲被吸引而来的……
不像其他同类电影中凭借特异功能男主拥有happy end,相反悲情的结局告诉我们平凡的生活才好。有句话,乞丐不会妒忌富翁,只会妒忌比富有的乞丐,其实平时相处的朋友熟人,并不希望原本同一水平线的人脱颖而出,这点很值得深思。
相爱吧终有一散的人们。如果大脑突然被疯狂开发拥有诸多超能力后你最想做的是什么?当人们用诋毁的方式来克服恐惧求得心安时,即使你什么都不想做也会被孤立。他们那么希望你没什么不同,可是又时刻关注你到底有什么不同。最后癌细胞扩散的解释我不是很buy it。如果结局是他不会死去会更美好一些吧,nothing else,just hope