The story is about four weird guys travelling in space with an old Soviet car, trying to interview God.
絕對是最具「愚樂時代」精神的首選!混搭《蒙地蟒蛇》與《銀河便車指南》風格,四位幾近天外飛來的怪叔叔湊成一團,擠在蘇聯製迷你小車裡,咻一聲地穿越太空展開超旅行! The story is about four weird guys travelling in space with an old Soviet car, trying to interview God.
絕對是最具「愚樂時代」精神的首選!混搭《蒙地蟒蛇》與《銀河便車指南》風格,四位幾近天外飛來的怪叔叔湊成一團,擠在蘇聯製迷你小車裡,咻一聲地穿越太空展開超旅行! The story is about four weird guys travelling in space with an old Soviet car, trying to interview God.