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老汉瓦尼亚和孙女伊莲娜生活在保加利亚的一座小村庄,因为穷困,孙女给爷爷的宠物最后成了一只养大可以宰杀的小猪。可慢慢瓦尼亚喜欢上了小猪,在杀猪日临近时却突发奇想帯着新宠开始了一场趣味盎然的逃亡旅程…… In a small Bulgarian village, Vania, a depressed elderly man lives with his close-knit family. One day his granddaughter Elena, who is very fond of her grandfather, encourages the family to buy him a dog. However, due to their dire economic situation they decide to buy him a pig, that way the pig can also be slaughtered later to feed the family. Vania, who agreed to the idea of a dog, becomes very disillusioned when they present him a pig instead. Over time though, the old man and the pig become just like friends and spend a lot of time together. When the time comes to slaughter the pig Vania goes crazy. On the eve of the killing, he conspires with his granddaughter Elena to escape in his old Trabant. He decides to take his four-legged friend and head for Turkey, where pork is not eaten. Thus, begins a journey of surreal encounters, full of interesting and unsophisticated characters but loyal and sympathetic to Vania. Through his journey, the old farmer, who seems abandoned to die, ...


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