A selection from the footage of the interview made by Matej Mináč to Federico Fellini in 1989.
Mináč, at the time a young film director, who dreamt of making a film portrait on Federico Fellini to enter his world of fantasy. Thanks to famous Slovak filmmaker Juraj Jakubisko, friend of Fellini, his dream came true. In January 1989 he spent two fantastic days with the Maestro. 暂无
Mináč, at the time a young film director, who dreamt of making a film portrait on Federico Fellini to enter his world of fantasy. Thanks to famous Slovak filmmaker Juraj Jakubisko, friend of Fellini, his dream came true. In January 1989 he spent two fantastic days with the Maestro. 暂无
#31stTrieste#“费里尼东与西”特展,世界首映。斯洛伐克费里尼脑残粉Matej Mináč在1989年疯狂追星行为的成果,采访了费里尼且跟他去了拍摄中的[月吟]片场,其实本片是一个WIP项目,导演拍自己突破种种阻挠拍摄费里尼采访的故事片[Never Give Up]的先导(所以是谁来扮演费里尼……)。有些蛮不错的段子,比如导演要钱处处碰钉子,捷克斯洛伐克问“你为什么不拍社会主义导演比如邦达尔丘克”,解体后斯洛伐克政府问“这个什么费里尼为斯洛伐克做了什么贡献”,戛纳和柏林项目没能入选是因为“费里尼早就过时了”。看看导演这个故事片拍出来会怎么样吧……