A burglar who threats an old man happened to stuck in a remote island with him. The
burglar tries to escape the island, but it doesn’t work at all. When he loses all hope, the old man gives him enlightenment. A 60-year-old man who lives on a lonely island comes to the nearby harbor in his small motorboat once a month, with lots of handicrafts to sell. A young 30-year-old burglar notices the old man and one day he jumps into the old man's boat and threatens him to hand over the money. The old man remains calm and unexpectedly starts the boat and drives towards the Island. The young man is trapped on the lonely island. He realizes that no other boat comes to that island other than the old man's boat. A 7-year-old boy, a 20-year-old beautiful but deaf and dumb lady, and a middle-aged stammering man live in the house along with the old men. The young man is compelled to live with these peculiar four people in that wooden shore house. The mystery begins. The young man sees the rare life situations which he has never seen in his entire life. His thought and concept about the life changed, He now begins to realize true meaning of life and how nature blends with the life. Color of sky is color of ...
burglar tries to escape the island, but it doesn’t work at all. When he loses all hope, the old man gives him enlightenment. A 60-year-old man who lives on a lonely island comes to the nearby harbor in his small motorboat once a month, with lots of handicrafts to sell. A young 30-year-old burglar notices the old man and one day he jumps into the old man's boat and threatens him to hand over the money. The old man remains calm and unexpectedly starts the boat and drives towards the Island. The young man is trapped on the lonely island. He realizes that no other boat comes to that island other than the old man's boat. A 7-year-old boy, a 20-year-old beautiful but deaf and dumb lady, and a middle-aged stammering man live in the house along with the old men. The young man is compelled to live with these peculiar four people in that wooden shore house. The mystery begins. The young man sees the rare life situations which he has never seen in his entire life. His thought and concept about the life changed, He now begins to realize true meaning of life and how nature blends with the life. Color of sky is color of ...
可以不给星么 看得火大
#上海电影节# 小岛很美,像我理想中世外桃源,感觉自己仿佛在度假,全片对白不多加上节奏缓慢,伴随着海浪的声音,好几次都要睡着了。。。不过真心发现印度人说的话真的都值得回味、思索!总体来说,情节没有海报吸引我!
长镜头 少台词 异域
画面很美, 配乐小有趣, 毫无节奏感. 可是一定要用对白把道理都讲出来么? 干脆干脆做成全无对白,说不定又更好一些.