In a genre bending take on a coming of age story, a group of teens in a distant future colony uncover an ancient forbidden archive of historical, cultural and musical relics. This discovery forces them to question everything they've been taught, and use the power of music to ignite change in their reality to expose the truth.
In a genre bending take on a coming of age story, a group of teens in a distant future colony uncover an ancient forbidden archive of historical, cultural and musical relics. This discovery forces them to question everything they've been taught, and use the power of music to ignite change in their reality to expose the truth.
真的有歌舞版Hunger Games之感(说真的也太相似了...都是districts里面选人去竞争,场景也有一点点像吧,也是反乌托邦),但是我觉得可能比饥饿游戏好看多了,毕竟有层次,居然还可以(拍摄质感蛮好的,主角演技也还不错),还有一点燃,蛮有意思的(不过目前只看了两集还没发下定论,反正不难看,就是有点尴尬,个人感觉卡在kids档和teens档之间,受众不明)
有点意思的设定。Like Glee meets Hunger Games? 歌舞的部分也有点尴,但是cast真是都挺有才。看完了觉得过于幼稚然后定睛一看,Hulu上是Kids档? 比较喜欢Brooklyn。 为了磕Brooklyn和Sage的cp才坚持完了,但是真没啥好磕的
看了Sage & Brooklyn的剪辑,剧情没怎么连上,如果以后有字幕组做全剧可能会重看。
les剪辑看起来 sage小可爱身手不错喔!小年轻们一边唱歌跳舞一边谈恋爱
Sage和Brooklyn实在太甜了 相处方式也可可爱爱