A physicist struggling to prove one of Einstein's theories still finds time to dabble in an extra-curricular relationship with one of his lab assistants. Meanwhile at home his under-sexed wife struggles under the assumption that he is hard at work with his experiments. All of which explodes when she discovers otherwise.
要不是冲着Kelli 唉 这部电影实在无趣啊
luv kw
感谢万能的Allison大神 看来某人的戏路从那个时候就已经定得死死的了OTLOTL
费了九牛二虎之力从Babelgum上扒下来这部片,Kelli依旧是一副邻家范儿,怎么看怎么口耐,虽然牺牲不小,但是对菠萝饭来说绝对是眼福啊,哈哈哈。PS:搜了下男主近照,hair transplant做的还蛮成功的嘛。