姐姐的一通急电把她唤回了久未谋面的故乡,但到达后却得知了父亲去世的噩耗。葬礼过后,母亲让莫妮卡留下来帮忙把房子卖掉。生疏如陌路人的母女俩需要学着重新了解彼此并共同生活。 Mónica, a 47-year old dancer, receives a call from Spain: her father is terminally ill. After 20 years, Mónica must return to the remote village where she was born. When she arrives, her father has already passed away and her mother decides to sell the family home asking Mónica to stay to help her. Winter comes. The perpetual silence, the extreme cold and the difficulty of living with her mother are proving tough for Mónica, who takes refuge in what she knows best: dance. 'Facing the Wind' tells the story of a family unable to communicate. It is indeed a thoughtful and loving portrait of a traditional rural lifestyle, which is beginning to disappear. It's a story about distances. But most of all, 'Facing the Wind' is an inner journey to learn again how to live and love better.
姐姐的一通急电把她唤回了久未谋面的故乡,但到达后却得知了父亲去世的噩耗。葬礼过后,母亲让莫妮卡留下来帮忙把房子卖掉。生疏如陌路人的母女俩需要学着重新了解彼此并共同生活。 Mónica, a 47-year old dancer, receives a call from Spain: her father is terminally ill. After 20 years, Mónica must return to the remote village where she was born. When she arrives, her father has already passed away and her mother decides to sell the family home asking Mónica to stay to help her. Winter comes. The perpetual silence, the extreme cold and the difficulty of living with her mother are proving tough for Mónica, who takes refuge in what she knows best: dance. 'Facing the Wind' tells the story of a family unable to communicate. It is indeed a thoughtful and loving portrait of a traditional rural lifestyle, which is beginning to disappear. It's a story about distances. But most of all, 'Facing the Wind' is an inner journey to learn again how to live and love better.
2.5 岁数大的一个标志就是,不再有耐心看完一个无声的固定空镜头停留5秒,一场体会不到情感的哭戏整半分钟,以及手摇跟拍到头晕恶心。的确,一个搁中国人看来就是小巫见大巫的家庭问题,耗了一百分钟也没讲出个所以然,更没有把舞蹈这个既是矛盾又是解脱的元素,刻画出来。只看到了人物躲在舞蹈后面的无病呻吟,和依然对生活的束手无策。
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西班牙影展 长楹卢米埃 191129 手持镜头,女人,近景,风,舞 最后一句字幕,献给我的父母… 想起first审片人的一句话,有些作品更适合在家族聚会时放给家人看 嗯…