为了一张跳票的支票使得家里的店铺就面临无法支撑的局面, 兄弟二人为此起了争执,一人身亡.改变了这个大家庭的命运,母亲的丧子之痛,妻子的丧夫之痛,儿子的丧父之痛.凶手的家人则陷入深深的自责.而选择接受血亲赔偿,还是寻求以命抵命,对三个小家庭都有着不同的意义.而那之后的日子,这一家人又将如何面对彼此和未来.........
Two brothers fight each other which cause one to kill the other. The murderer escapes but his mother convinces him to surrender to the police. Now the mother and the two wives of the brothers who all live together in a three stories house have to deal with the consequences of the murder and with each other.