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Maya Akutsu (Yuki Amami) began her class teacher career in 1998 April. The class (Primary 6) Maya taught was problematic. One student, Ai(12), told Maya that she love Maya, but Maya keep tell Ai that she love every students. Ai tried to cause things in class, until in science lesson, Ai put a burning match into the flask and made explosion, Maya knew that Ai has mental illness, she wants Maya to take total attention to herself. Ai decided to libel Maya for brutal torture, and next day Ai's mother found headmaster, and got Maya to stop teaching Ai's class. Then Ai made Maya to hit her, and called the discipline teacher, and Maya had to resign. Maya married her husband, got Sean. When Sean was 5, got mental illness. Maya and her husband always struggled about Sean, make Sean sad. Sean knew Maya loves butterfly, and Sean had been told not to go to a lake which was deep enough to kill him. Next day, news report on TV reported that Maya's husband's company has avoided heavy tax and the boss is arrested. Maya and husband keep struggling, Sean was sad and found Maya's favorite white butterfly. Sean woke up and got drowned at the deep lake. Maya was blamed by husband that she gave too much stress to Sean, make Sean killed. Maya decided to suicide, but Ai (17) phone to Maya, telling Maya that she is killing herself. Maya succeeded in saving Ai and Ai told Maya to become teacher again. Maya was employed in a primary school - principal said that the "class 6-2" had made 2 previous class teachers to resign. Maya changed her hair look (tie her long hair), and she found a problematic repeater (13 age) whose father is government staff. His mother spoiled him well. He wish to kill butterfly. A student in the class was being bullied. One day, when someone lose wallet, every student all libel that weak student to admit this. Maya knew that the students had problem, and punished the whole class. Another day, the repeater bullied someone else by throwing him with basketballs. Maya couldn't save the student. The repeater said to Maya that among 27 students only himself can have happiness. Maya found the weak student from her visit to his flat, and made him to come to school to find Maya. The repeater got the weak student first, force him to jump into the deep lake, which Sean(Maya's son) died in. Maya got the weak student's mother calling, that the weak student is still missing. Maya found him at lake and saved him. Maya caught the repeater at class, and have brutal fights. The repeater ask Maya why can't he kill others, Maya hold his neck, and told him that because death is bitter, if he or anyone else died, their families will become bitter. Nobody can force people to die. Maya survived and was sent to hospital. The repeater's parents don't tolerate Maya, force school send her to retraining Centre. Maya studied for 2 yrs, from 2003 Nov to 2005. In 2005, Maya was ordered to teach the class 6-3, and Maya decided to dress in black, in the queen look, and used her past bitter history to train her 24 students here. Could she make it? What will happen to Maya? Will the students understand what Maya is trying to do?


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    In Our Day / 好好过日辰(港)

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    City of Wind

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