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When the Circus Came to Town

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暂无 Unfortunately Cuire's masterpiece, \"The Heart of a Boy\" was evolved In Italy and not America, still its humanities are so wide and deep that it outserves any merely sectional patriotic purpose; however, there is a peculiar thrill and afflatus in the coming of the circus, as a sensation for young America that is worth recording as distinctive. Jimmy, the newsboy, moved by the mighty magic of the show-bills is crazy to go to the circus, a sentiment that is shared by his little sister Bess. They pool their scant savings and find there is only money enough to buy one ticket. Jimmy bravely gives way to his sister and hopes to work his way in by \"watering the animals.\" This hope, however, is dashed and he is somewhat dejected, when he happily picks up an envelope containing circus tickets. They have recently been purchased by a lady, who drops them as she enters her automobile. Jimmy chases the machine, but cannot catch it. This seems providential and it looks as though Jimmy was to proudly lead his sister into the big show. They could thus save their precious pennies. At the ticket office, however, he finds the lady complaining of her loss and he promptly surrenders the tickets to her. She is so moved by this frank honesty that she not only makes the little folks her guests, but they have a sufficient filling of popcorn and peanuts, and the privilege of the side-show to boot.


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