跟着两个千变万化的生物一起踏上一场充满声光效果的奇幻之旅。Sonaria 的视觉语言简单而抽象,给人予启示;声音语言则层次分明,引人入胜,不断揭示出答案。
Follow two ever-changing creatures as they flow from one life-form to another on a vivid journey of sound and light. Sonaria's visual language is simple and abstract, designed to suggest, while the sonic language is layered and immersive, designed to answer. Follow two ever-changing creatures as they flow from one life-form to another on a vivid journey of sound and light. Sonaria's visual language is simple and abstract, designed to suggest, while the sonic language is layered and immersive, designed to answer.
Follow two ever-changing creatures as they flow from one life-form to another on a vivid journey of sound and light. Sonaria's visual language is simple and abstract, designed to suggest, while the sonic language is layered and immersive, designed to answer. Follow two ever-changing creatures as they flow from one life-form to another on a vivid journey of sound and light. Sonaria's visual language is simple and abstract, designed to suggest, while the sonic language is layered and immersive, designed to answer.
Google Stories
google spotlight stories中个人最喜欢一个,三维渲二维,风格化明显,命题宏大但表达取巧,音乐很侘寂,氛围做得非常棒。
很有google daydream游戏的风格,配乐加分,VR对于这种抽象故事的讲述有很大优势。观看平台:Google Spotlight Stories(手机app),Steam
#Sandbox 2018# 视觉元素的发展变化