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  • 类型:剧情  地区:中国香港  年份:2011 
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:唐宁 覃恩美 周俊伟 
  • 导演:曾翠珊 
  • 简介:曾翠珊首部長篇電影《戀人路上》用感覺拍出愛情與漂泊,三年後由以為自己走頭無路的剩女延續旅途,劇場夢碎,毅然從外 详细 >
  • 更新时间:2023-10-20 12:10:01


曾翠珊首部長篇電影《戀人路上》用感覺拍出愛情與漂泊,三年後由以為自己走頭無路的剩女延續旅途,劇場夢碎,毅然從外地返香港既尋根且重整人生,尋找她與他在幻變生命裡的《大藍湖》,才發現有些事情可以重來。唐寧婚後首次演繹萬事失意的熟女,只好相信,事情總有解決的方法,與好戲之人覃恩美演出細膩的母女情,重遇舊同學周俊偉重拾愛與希望,三人精湛的演出配合片中淡淡的西貢鄉土情,滿載香港人對舊地和故夢的回憶,延續永不逝去的天倫與人情。 Lai Yee returned in Ho Chung, Sai Kung's home, alerted the village by the time of baptism is not as good as ever, but after ten years away, the mother (Tan Amy decoration), has also grow old, no longer was. Lai Yee re-enter the simple natural life, waiting at the mother's side, seems to want to recover the past ten years time, but the quiet outskirts of rigid world, but because old classmate Lin (Lawrence Chou decorated) broke into and became noisy. Two respective corner of the village, traveled with emotional regret to embark on finding love journey. Short period of time is full of lies, secrets and indulgence. Finally everyone is to find the big blue lake, a large blue lake in the heart and mind, to re-learn to put your face to meet the future more flee war.


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