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We’re Drawing October

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Produced to commemorate the anniversary of the October Revolution and to celebrate the friendship between the children of the USSR and East Germany, the USSR’s staunchest ally. The paintings of the children are animated, and a song of friendship is sung in German and Russian. Harry LaPearl made up as a negro answers an advertisement for a servant to a Newlywed family and is engaged. While the family and several guests are dining he gets into many comic mix-ups. Mr. Newlywed decides to go to a cabaret with his guests, and leaves his wife at home. From a black mark left on the tablecloth by the makeup on Mr. LaPearl's hands, Mrs. Newlywed discovers that her new servant is white, and decides to have him escort her to the same cabaret that her husband is attending. Clad in the husband's dress clothes LaPearl goes with her to the restaurant, where many screamingly funny situations are created. His absurd antics finally start a riot among the guests and Mrs. Newlywed faints. LaPearl is thrown out of the restaurant and Mr. Newlywed discovers that the lady in the case is his wife. He takes her home, but LaPearl has beaten him out, and with his black makeup restored, is busy making bread when the Newlyweds arrive. A row ensues and LaPearl is discharged and forcibly ejected from the front door, not, however, before he has squashed a pan of bread dough on his irate master's head. The comedy ends in the happy reconciliation of the Newlyweds and the humorous retreat of the pseudo-negro servant.


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