1958年,美国纽约。此时的黛安•阿布斯(妮可•基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)还是一个只知相夫教子的平凡女人。她生在富有的犹太商人家庭,父母经营着著名的Russek皮草店。从小养尊处优的黛安与身份悬殊的艾伦•阿布斯(泰•布里尔 Ty Burrell 饰)结婚,并努力协助他的时尚摄影工作。来自父母家庭的苛责以及婚后生活的枯燥无聊都让黛安倍感压抑和孤独。某日,一个新搬来的邻居莱昂内尔(小罗伯特•唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)出现在黛安的生活中,她为对方的神秘所吸引,开始有意识地去注意和探究莱昂内尔的一切。不知不觉间,她的人生悄然发生改变……
本片根据Patricia Bosworth在1984年出版的关于黛安•阿布斯的畅销传记小说改编。 In 1958, in New York City, the upper class Diane Arbus is a frustrated and lonely woman with a conventional marriage with two daughters. Her husband is a photographer sponsored by the wealthy parents of Diane, and she works as his assistant. When Lionel Sweeney, a mysterious man with hypertrichosis (a.k.a. werewolf syndrome, a disease that causes excessive body hair), comes to live in the apartment in the upper floor, Diane feels a great attraction for him and is introduced to the world of freaks and marginalized people, falling in love with Lionel.
本片根据Patricia Bosworth在1984年出版的关于黛安•阿布斯的畅销传记小说改编。 In 1958, in New York City, the upper class Diane Arbus is a frustrated and lonely woman with a conventional marriage with two daughters. Her husband is a photographer sponsored by the wealthy parents of Diane, and she works as his assistant. When Lionel Sweeney, a mysterious man with hypertrichosis (a.k.a. werewolf syndrome, a disease that causes excessive body hair), comes to live in the apartment in the upper floor, Diane feels a great attraction for him and is introduced to the world of freaks and marginalized people, falling in love with Lionel.
皮囊 华美HM简9意大利版
1带着图片摄影味道的电影构图都很惊艳 2每一帧的性爱画面都充满艺术性 3深邃的眼神不是每一部电影都能够展现出来的 4 很高级的视听
画面 构图 色彩 满分
就……很夢幻😂 將出轨加上畸形怪奇啊天体等等令整件事好像很有深度 但就😂 最後死得好有噱頭🈶️😂 全靠男女主顏拉扯著😂 btw小女儿好可爱哟~
Maybe I’m too young to understand it
不太理解,为何妮可基德曼饰演的角色都这么奇奇怪怪:不是失忆了,就是来自另外一个星球,要么就是这种以误入一个满是naked human beings世界为开头的角色(Diane的摄影作品《居家的退休男人和他老婆》。啊,顺便一嘴,妮可基德曼穿着粉色露肩连衣裙,突然打开房门的一瞬间,真的是“天菜”闪现。我想作为传记电影,Diane Arbus最让人印象深刻应该是她作为人像摄影师的题材选择,她喜欢拍摄社会边缘人物,残疾人、侏儒症患者、多毛症患者等,这部电影主要故事背景即Diane 以多毛症邻居为拍摄对象开始自己摄影生涯。另外说一句,纽约真是个神奇的地方,果然是个大熔炉,形形色色的人都能在其中找到自己的位置。
just two freaks in one soul