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After the heart donors, Sasha comes home and somethings happened. Nina assumed that it's because the heart donor he had from Tiara and she haunting the house. Nina, have to fight and save Sasha from the terror of that child ghost. Relationship of Nina (Aura Kasih) with her mother, Dewi (has turned cold since 8 years ago when Nina ran away from her house. Nina's little sister, Fenny (Amanda Manoppo) have to call Nina, because Dewi had an accident in the house. Nina came with her 7 years old daughter, Sasha (Giselle Tambunan). Nina and Dewi are dealing with it, but Sasha suddenly collapse. In the hospital, doctor said that the leaking heart that Sasha had since she was a baby are getting worse. Sasha needs a heart donor. At the same time, Tiara passed away in that hospital. After knowing Sasha condition, Tiara's parents agreed to donate Tiara's heart to Sasha. Sasha were saved. When Sasha coming home, somethings happened in the house. Sasha's attitude has changed. Then the child ghosts terror haunting her. Nina assumed that it's because the heart donor from Tiara, Tiara's spirit, haunting Dewi's house. Nina had to fight to save Sasha from the terror of that child ghost, Nina realized that all of this had to do ...


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