Sie haben niemals Schuld und leiden oft am meisten: Kinder im Krieg. 75 Jahre nach Kriegsende ist für viele Kinder von damals die Vergangenheit noch immer lebendig.
Follow the tale of important people in German history. Watch as they go in depth about why they think the way they do, and how they came to make the choices they did in their life time. Watch them as they are forced to choose their own paths, see if those paths lead to victories,or misfortune.
借标 tt11958648
补回。借标 tt11958648,History 101 by Netflix。
History 101 Netflix
網飛新一季全球史科普膠囊💊慘遭豆瓣刪條目以求生,E3太敢了怎能不被🈲️?快餐、太空競賽、中東石油、機器人、愛滋病、塑料、核能、女權、基因十大問題的討論都是the greatest true stories of all time,但也太容易惹爭議了。