本片的故事背景设在柬埔寨战后一片碎石瓦砾的金边(Phnom Penh), 描绘了返乡的战士在道德和肉体受到极度摧残而满目疮痍的心灵家园中重新开始新生活的艰辛.
在漫长的战争过后, 士兵 萨瓦纳 返回了故乡的小镇, 他在那儿邂逅了一位美丽的酒吧女, 而残酷的生活似乎注定了这段爱情的悲剧... After the end of the Cambodian Civil War, people in Cambodia struggled in their return to their normal lives. Among them is a kick boxer Savannah (Narith Roeun). A survivor of the war, who lost most of his family to the horrors of the Khmer Rouge, he lives with his uncle in Phnom Penh. Savannah begins a romance with a 19-year-old bar girl, Srey Poeuv (Chea Lyda Chan). She is humiliated by her debts to the bar's owner, and is forced to keep working. Savannah wants to help Srey clear her debt, so he teams up with an ex-soldier and plans a crime that could net him some money.
在漫长的战争过后, 士兵 萨瓦纳 返回了故乡的小镇, 他在那儿邂逅了一位美丽的酒吧女, 而残酷的生活似乎注定了这段爱情的悲剧... After the end of the Cambodian Civil War, people in Cambodia struggled in their return to their normal lives. Among them is a kick boxer Savannah (Narith Roeun). A survivor of the war, who lost most of his family to the horrors of the Khmer Rouge, he lives with his uncle in Phnom Penh. Savannah begins a romance with a 19-year-old bar girl, Srey Poeuv (Chea Lyda Chan). She is humiliated by her debts to the bar's owner, and is forced to keep working. Savannah wants to help Srey clear her debt, so he teams up with an ex-soldier and plans a crime that could net him some money.
Too heavy.后半段非常紧凑,镜头掌握很好,尤其红色灯光。配乐满分。最后再响起的时候忍不住痛哭。生命不再为战争所威胁,却依旧活不下去。「忘记过去想想未来」是多么丑恶嘴脸的正确而无用的话。未受过如此痛苦的人自以为是地说,痛苦的人被用来欺骗虚幻的希望折磨,不这样想反而会被看低。
很感人的电影,有点像《三轮车夫》,写些小民的生活,也不乏诗意的对白。主角有点边缘人,最后男主无奈去抢劫,中弹身亡。里面还有露点的,吓。ps:女主唱的那首歌,也就是片尾曲叫《Mi Sey Sey》,很好听。作曲者Marc Marder跟导演合作过不少影片。
mindset leads to tragedy...
11 NOV 2013 (3)