这部影片是塞内加尔著名歌星尤索·恩多于2004年在埃及发行专辑后拍摄的,表达了他对苏菲派穆斯林虔诚的信仰,这张专辑被他故乡的人们视为亵渎神灵而拒绝接受,但是他因这张专辑获得了第一座格莱美奖杯。美国著名乐评杂志《滚石》是这样评价他的:“如果有哪位来自第三世界的艺人在全球影响力上能和Bob Marley(鲍伯·马里)相提并论的话,那只有尤索·恩多。他的嗓音独特,古老非洲的历史似乎都凝结在他的声线之中。”
Senegalese pop sensation Youssou Ndour has spent the last 20 years in the spotlight as a world-renowned musician and the iconic representative "voice of Africa." At the height of his career, Youssou became frustrated by the negative perception of his Muslim faith and composed Egypt, a deeply spiritual album dedicated to a more tolerant view of Islam. The album's brave musical message was wholeheartedly embraced by Western audiences but ignited serious religious controversy in his homeland of Senegal. The film chronicles the difficult journey Youssou must undertake to assume his true calling.