德川幕府天保年间,流浪镖客镐刀三郎(三船敏郎 饰)从神秘武士处接受一项奇怪的任务,他按照指示来到了三州山。路上镐刀曾救助被丈夫欺凌的可怜女子阿国(浅丘ルリ子 饰),阿国恋上这个冷峻的男人,情感纠缠的二人最终落脚三州山上一家茶馆内。茶馆的主人是贪婪的老头德兵卫(有島一郎 饰)及其美丽的女儿阿雪(北川美佳 饰)。不久,这里又迎来新的客人:自称是医生的玄哲(勝新太郎 饰)、赌徒弥太郎(石原裕次郎 饰)、张扬跋扈的官差伊吹兵马(中村錦之助 饰)以及他所追捕的盗贼“野猴子”阿辰(山崎竜之介 饰)。
看似貌不惊人的阿辰似乎藏着惊天的秘密,为此他的同伴不遗余力前来搭救。在混乱的拼杀中,镐刀渐渐弄清他任务的原委以及背后隐藏着的阴谋…… In the Edo period, a nameless ronin accepts an assignment to go to a mountain pass and wait. Near the pass he stops at an inn where a collection of characters gather, including a gang set on stealing shogunate gold that's soon to come over the pass. When the Ronin's assignment becomes clear, to help the gang, he's ordered to kill the inn's residents, including a woman he's rescued from an abusive husband. He's reluctant to murder innocent people; then he learns that the gold shipment is a trap and he's part of a double cross. How he sorts through these divided loyalties tests of his samurai honor, and perhaps of his love for a woman.
看似貌不惊人的阿辰似乎藏着惊天的秘密,为此他的同伴不遗余力前来搭救。在混乱的拼杀中,镐刀渐渐弄清他任务的原委以及背后隐藏着的阴谋…… In the Edo period, a nameless ronin accepts an assignment to go to a mountain pass and wait. Near the pass he stops at an inn where a collection of characters gather, including a gang set on stealing shogunate gold that's soon to come over the pass. When the Ronin's assignment becomes clear, to help the gang, he's ordered to kill the inn's residents, including a woman he's rescued from an abusive husband. He's reluctant to murder innocent people; then he learns that the gold shipment is a trap and he's part of a double cross. How he sorts through these divided loyalties tests of his samurai honor, and perhaps of his love for a woman.