An espionage thriller set aboard the train of the title. A group of agents try to thwart the Japanese-Soviet trade agreement by assassinating a Japanese businessman.
Cuckoo in a Dark Forest
12 stulyev / Twelve Chairs
Sasha vstupayet v zhizn / Саша вступает в жизнь
Večnoe Vozvraščenie / Eterno ritorno / Eternal Homecoming
梦中和不是梦中的飞行 / Polyoty vo sne i nayavu / Flying Asleep and Awake / Flights of Fancy / Flights in Dreams and in Reality
奥列格·塔巴科夫,尼古拉·布尔里亚耶夫,奥列格·叶甫列莫夫,玛丽娜·涅约洛娃,斯塔尼斯拉夫·萨达尔斯基,Marina Shimanskaya,尤里·博加特廖夫
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