WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY is based on the most beloved alien invasion story of all time by Father of Science Fiction, H.G. Wells. Like Wells' classic book that was presented as a news reporter's first hand memoirs, and the famous 1938 Orson Welles radio broadcast that caused Americans to believe an actual invasion was in progress, WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY assumes the world knows there was a war between Earth and Mars in the year 1900 and is presented as the eyewitness account of Bertie Wells, the last living survivor of the Earth/Mars War as he struggles to find his wife amidst the destruction of humankind at the hands of terrifying alien invaders.
课上看的,非常有趣,大概是美国历史上最大的乌龙事件。广播上一个科幻剧war of the worlds,用模仿新闻报道的手法讲述新泽西州被火星人侵略的故事,但被听众误认为是真实,很多人逃离家乡,很多人以为世界末日,更有趣的是这个广播剧播出时期,美国大萧条+德国希特勒崛起。于是有些听众又误听成德国人侵略了新泽西。事件之后,美国出台对广播节目的检查和管制法规,而广播剧导演本人则被好莱坞看上,大展拳脚,这段历史真是太有趣了。