Jorge Jácome
"Many cities or countries have a distinct malaise. They are places that could be Portugal, so sunk in a painful longing of the past, and where each tension of the present is only the tip of an iceberg that is explained in successive retreats that can go straight until origin of the species, at least. This feeling common to many latitudes is often presented as a diagnosis, a denial of a painful present as opposed to the desire to return to a glorious past
- NDNF short program2中最喜欢的意识流film,像诗一样的narrative language,迷离,怅然,忧郁,微醺。
- Adding depth to melancholy and nostalgic.
- Past is better, much better.
- 我看过人们在加州的阳光下开cry party,挖不倒金子只有累累白骨,战争带来的是无情和悲悯,都过去了,都在过去。思绪像被扭曲的磁带磁条,顺着溪流断断续续地往未来游走。
69Berlinale Shorts
+"it's hard to translate"语言以字幕而非声音的形式出现,强迫这种观看,实际上也是文字与影像转录的不充分,正是这两种介质的契合这使得一种迷思更丰满,读、视和听,思绪也随之散漫在"完美的过去"
4.5 可以直接发金熊啊!
88/100 不管过去是否真的那么完美,但觉得“过去比较完美”的感受是比较普遍的,这是电影感性层面的基础,而视觉与听觉上很好地贴合了这样细腻的触感。更不用说对字幕对话的运用了。
Jorge Jácome "Many cities or countries have a distinct malaise. They are places that could be Portugal, so sunk in a painful longing of the past, and where each tension of the present is only the tip of an iceberg that is explained in successive retreats that can go straight until origin of the species, at least. This feeling common to many latitudes is often presented as a diagnosis, a denial of a painful present as opposed to the desire to return to a glorious past
Uppsala短片电影节竞赛单元第一天,无尽的怀旧,太意识流了 看困了。。。
- NDNF short program2中最喜欢的意识流film,像诗一样的narrative language,迷离,怅然,忧郁,微醺。 - Adding depth to melancholy and nostalgic. - Past is better, much better. - 我看过人们在加州的阳光下开cry party,挖不倒金子只有累累白骨,战争带来的是无情和悲悯,都过去了,都在过去。思绪像被扭曲的磁带磁条,顺着溪流断断续续地往未来游走。
#HKIFF 双关的片名。散文电影。对过去的乡愁/saudade/呼愁 huzn……