Much has been written, but little is known about Johannes Vermeer, painter of iconic paintings and crowd pleasers such as The Milkmaid and Girl with a Pearl Earring. His small oeuvre is almost everything he left behind. Dicht bij Vermeer (Close to Vermeer) follows Gregor Weber, a globally renowned Vermeer expert and flamboyant curator at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. In the year before he retires, he works on his big dream: the largest Vermeer exhibition ever. Together with Weber, a number of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts go in search of what truly makes a Vermeer a Vermeer. Through new discoveries and by dissecting the work layer by layer, this film brings us closer to the painter to understand the decisions he made and the steps in his oeuvre.
把nerdy的题材拍得挺有悬念。一上来就把问题摆的很清楚:荷兰国家博物馆要办Vermeer展,那么去全世界哪些国家搜集哪些画呢?有点贾府要办省亲的味道。由此展开,哪些才是Vermeer真迹呢?绿脖子之争很有意思,但也让人惊讶于下定论的草率。看着art historian们看到真迹时的喜极而泣,还是很动人的。一幅画既能被富人当做财产来赏玩(富豪直接捧起裸露的小画时,摄制组估计是故意拍到学者们的神情),又能被寻常百姓参观,可能是二十世纪后的一大奇观了。由此想到每一个被附庸风雅的吃瓜群众们参观、拍照、又抛诸脑后的“网红画展”,背后都有这样精心的策划过程,还是有点感慨。
Vermeer确实是the master of light. 如何做到作画看不到笔刷痕迹的,真的好厉害。
虽然没有机会去看展,但是在Vemeer的故地看了策展的纪录片,大概是去现场也得不到的一些信息。放映结束后邻座的一伙年轻人在感叹抢不到票,前排的大叔回过头来说人爆满到一张画前能挤三十个人,是策展人初心的两倍。想动手自己做一个camera obscura了。