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Freud tired of all the neurotic bourgeois patients, he decides to analyze a genius. He chooses Leonardo Da Vinci. Based on a play about Sigmund Freud's analysis of Leonardo Da Vinci. Freud tired of all the neurotic patients he has treated, decides to analyze a genius: he chooses Leonardo Da Vinci. Freud offers Leonardo a free analysis. The emphasis is in the beginning of the ideals that drive Leonardo, but as time goes on, the more they subside. Freud begins to think that Leonardo is derailed, since he for a long time been inactive. When Leonardo begins to create war machines to Cesare Borghia, without taking responsibility for their creations use, Freud becomes both angry and disappointed in him. Throughout the play three men are repeatedly trying to kill Leonardo. However, without success, since he dies a natural death in the end. Which also Freud does, leaving it to his daughter Anna to continue his work.


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