18年前,13岁的女孩爱上了住在隔壁的作家,因家变搬到了别处后,女孩并没对作家忘情。几年过去,女孩变成女学生(徐静蕾)回到原来的住处,如愿以偿与作家有了交往,但作家对眼前曾住在其隔壁的女学生没有任何印象。作家有事离开,自此音信全无,女学生在绝望的等待中生下她与作家的结晶,并为让孩子过上优越生活变作依附有钱男人的交际花。又过几年,女学生变成女人,再遇她深爱多年的作家时,对方仍没把她认出。 Peking, 1948. A winter night. A man returns home to find a letter awaiting him written by a woman before her death. in the letter she tells him the story of her love for him -a life-long passion that has not diminished over time, but one that he has never known. her story spans 18 years from the moment she -then a 13 year-old girl- sets her eyes on her new neighbor. she tells their brief but passionate love in her youthi the hardship she goes through raising their child alone, and their final encounter after the war, during which the man fails tor ecognize her and one which leaves her in despair. Now having lost her son, she no longer has the courage to live on. Only in a letter is she capable of telling him everything, for the first and the last time. shaken by the letter, the man searches his memory for the nameless woman.
18年前,13岁的女孩爱上了住在隔壁的作家,因家变搬到了别处后,女孩并没对作家忘情。几年过去,女孩变成女学生(徐静蕾)回到原来的住处,如愿以偿与作家有了交往,但作家对眼前曾住在其隔壁的女学生没有任何印象。作家有事离开,自此音信全无,女学生在绝望的等待中生下她与作家的结晶,并为让孩子过上优越生活变作依附有钱男人的交际花。又过几年,女学生变成女人,再遇她深爱多年的作家时,对方仍没把她认出。 Peking, 1948. A winter night. A man returns home to find a letter awaiting him written by a woman before her death. in the letter she tells him the story of her love for him -a life-long passion that has not diminished over time, but one that he has never known. her story spans 18 years from the moment she -then a 13 year-old girl- sets her eyes on her new neighbor. she tells their brief but passionate love in her youthi the hardship she goes through raising their child alone, and their final encounter after the war, during which the man fails tor ecognize her and one which leaves her in despair. Now having lost her son, she no longer has the courage to live on. Only in a letter is she capable of telling him everything, for the first and the last time. shaken by the letter, the man searches his memory for the nameless woman.
纯 yy电影,yy的不够。我也是10多岁看到的茨威格的原著,当时一口气看完,这融合了本地特色,把北平换成上海不是更好?收尾不够。管家都认出,男主都没认出,心寒啊。服装眼神戏很到位。男主太容易让我出戏了。姐妹啊,醒醒,你个傻女孩,你只是个过客对他来说,根本不记得你。
糟糕透顶,当玩游戏背景听都觉得糟糕! 只有老仆人那句“早啊,小姐”像那么回事儿,太糟糕了!