Milk and Fashion centers on a young foreigner, Tyler Ralstin, as he travels from rural Yunnan to Shanghai to live with his uncle Jack. As caretaker for Tyler, Jack must balance his life between the high demand of his profession and the role of a mentor as he guides his nephew through the tough life-decisions that come with growing up. Jack is the president of a cultural investment company that is sponsoring an international fashion contest, and one of the competing designers is Yao Yao, a former ballerina who has decided to pursue her dream of becoming a professional designer. The stories of Tyler and Yao Yao intertwine in Tyler's coming-of-age tale and Yao Yao's journey as she strives to accomplish her dreams. Though her journey at times seems complicated and even hopeless, Yao Yao finds a friend and mentor in Anna, an international fashion magazine editor who helps Yao Yao stay true to her goals.
片尾曲很好听啊!!!天籁级别啊!!!我是一个人吗??? 但是我还是要给这部电影1星啊!!全片不知所谓啊!!!!
当看到泸沽湖出现有知道这部片子有海外人士参与时我就有种不详的预感——难道杨二老师要亲自出镜?原来还有本C佛小朋友。。。不应该是肥本 有了这些我还能平静下来说一些客观而克制的话吗。。。
故事情节简单。尽管比赛有幕后黑手,女主人公坚持依靠自己的努力来参赛,令人感动、敬佩。 可以借这个片子管窥上海时尚界的繁荣,看完想去上海看看了~