明治时代的浅草,明星水木兰子(藤田むつみ 饰)邂逅阴郁沉默的雕塑师(平山久能 饰),兰子随其离开,从此不知下落。同晚小说家小林纹三(リリー・フランキー 饰)回家的路上看到奇怪的景象:一个侏儒(リトル・フランキー 饰)夹着女人的断肢从他身旁从容走过。小说家的好奇本性促使小林对这起事件展开调查。同一时刻,小林受富豪遗孀百合枝(桥本丽香 饰)之托寻找离家出走的继女,因此请来名侦探明智小五郎(冢本晋也 饰)协助调查。这一时期,针对女性的变态残杀案件层出不穷,盲兽和一寸法师为这所城市带来血雨腥风……
日本著名B级片导演石井辉男遗作。 Monzo Kobayashi is a dime-novel writer. He goes to see the stage of Ranko Mizuki, a star of an all-girls'-operetta company known as Asakusa Revue. Monzo notices a creepy man sitting beside him who keeps his head slumped down and does not even look up when Ranko appears on stage. On the way home from the theater, Monzo encounters another creepy situation. A dwarf (inch-high samurai) with a child-sized body and a grown-up's head passes right by him and is carrying a woman's arm that has been sliced off from the shoulder. Being a writer, this strangely enhances his interest of this dwarf and he begins an investigation about dwarfs. At the same time, his old friend Yurie visits him. Monzo secretly has a crush on her but knows that she is married to some one else. Yurie asks Monzo to introduce her to his friend, the detective, Kogoro Akechi. Monzo agrees to this and takes her to Akechi's apartment. When Akechi tells them about his current investigation, Monzo surprisingly finds out that Ranko Mizuki has disappeared. However, this is just the beginning of a bizarre twist that is going to occur one after another. Monzo and Akechi's challenge to solve the mystery begins.
日本著名B级片导演石井辉男遗作。 Monzo Kobayashi is a dime-novel writer. He goes to see the stage of Ranko Mizuki, a star of an all-girls'-operetta company known as Asakusa Revue. Monzo notices a creepy man sitting beside him who keeps his head slumped down and does not even look up when Ranko appears on stage. On the way home from the theater, Monzo encounters another creepy situation. A dwarf (inch-high samurai) with a child-sized body and a grown-up's head passes right by him and is carrying a woman's arm that has been sliced off from the shoulder. Being a writer, this strangely enhances his interest of this dwarf and he begins an investigation about dwarfs. At the same time, his old friend Yurie visits him. Monzo secretly has a crush on her but knows that she is married to some one else. Yurie asks Monzo to introduce her to his friend, the detective, Kogoro Akechi. Monzo agrees to this and takes her to Akechi's apartment. When Akechi tells them about his current investigation, Monzo surprisingly finds out that Ranko Mizuki has disappeared. However, this is just the beginning of a bizarre twist that is going to occur one after another. Monzo and Akechi's challenge to solve the mystery begins.