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Man from Tomorrow

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暂无 -Considered one of the most inventive DJs and producers of techno music in the world and a major figure in Detroit techno, Jeff Mills, who has been composing for the cinema for several years, has teamed up with filmmaker and writer Jacqueline Caux to play with our perception through \"sound images\" that are as philosophical as they are poetic. Jacqueline Caux explains: \"This film is a playful journey during which the images produced offer us a different way of walking in close proximity to Jeff Mills' music. These aesthetically extraordinary images, which do not follow any pre-established rules, do not impose any precise narration. Above all, I wanted to give free access to the sensations and get closer, with the images, to what the music produces with the sounds, without directly illustrating them. I then submitted the rushes to Jeff Mills, who then suggested new music. There are often, in Jeff Mills' music, elements that retain time, since the same sound image can come back and impose itself in such a way that we can distinguish all the details. This living force of sound and these images moving in space exert hypnotic effects on the listener/viewer. It is in a way the portrait of the action of these sounds on our perception that the images of the film wanted to represent, or even reinforce\".


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