The struggles of a hardscrabble Iranian nomadic tribe as they journey through bleak country to reach the grasslands that will save their livestock.
The real-life struggles of the Bakhtiari tribe of Southern Persia (Iran) to migrate with 50,000 people and ten times as much livestock over seemingly impassable natural barriers of mountain and river during harsh weather conditions to reach grazing lands for their cattle and other livestock. Their hardscrabble life is portrayed with poetically beautiful cinematography in possibly the greatest documentary of the silent era.
很厉害 但画质太差看的头晕
#纪录片# 埃里克·巴尔诺:“五万人冒着生命危险渡过卡瑞河的场景,是电影史上最壮观的场景之一。”
It was amazing but cruel. Go on or die!