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El complot dels anells

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暂无 A military drama. Brothers in friendship though they were, they wooed the same girl, one to suffer the pangs of rejection, the other the smiles of triumph. Yet they remained as loyal friends as before and went to war on the same call to arms in the same volunteer company; the one with smiles in his heart as captain, the other with gloom in his soul as sergeant. Separated by technical rank, still they were \"brothers in arms.\" On a bloody field Captain Hawley fell wounded while leading his men and through the chaos of shot and shell, Sergeant Carroll helped him back to safety only to fall victim to an exploding shell himself as the nurses were reached. Amid the horrors of a field hospital they parted and little did either think what changes time had in store for them or under what circumstances they would meet again. Unwilling to return to his native village because his love for the captain's betrothed still lived, unable to secure permanent or remunerative work because of his crippled condition, Sergeant Carroll became a derelict though still honest, and twenty years later, found sleeping in an unfinished house, was arrested and arraigned for vagrancy. Captain Hawley returned from the war, wed the girl of his choice and twenty years later found an honored place on the bench. It was his fate then for the old sergeant to be arraigned before his former captain, yet the latter did not know him until in extenuation of his misfortune, the sergeant told the story of his injury on the field and how it had been received. Leaving the bench, with tears in his eyes the judge sentenced him to spend the remainder of his day in his own home an honored guest and the same friend of his family that he had been to his captain in the war.


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    In Our Day / 好好过日辰(港)

  • 6.0



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    City of Wind

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