小鸟游千和(清野菜名 饰)是一位平凡的白领,父亲鼓起勇气辞职创业,却惨遭失败,背负了巨额的债务,为了帮助父亲还债,千和不得不在下班时间做起了女公关的兼职,正因为如此,从未谈过恋爱的千和对爱情失去了希望,她明白,没有男人会爱上这样不堪的自己。
然而,某一日,公司的社长间宮北斗(藤冈靛 饰)突然出现在了千和的面前,让千和万万没有想到的事,北斗不仅帮她还清的债务,还提出了结婚的请求。原来,北斗亦有着自己不得已的苦衷,为了继承家族产业,千和必须成为自己的妻子。在利益的驱使之下,一对本不相爱的男女走到了一起,在日后的生活之中,两人之间会擦出怎样的火花呢? Dean Fujioka stars as an elite businessman Hokuto who meets a young woman Chiwa (Nana Seino) working at a hostess bar to pay off her parents' debt. While their initial encounter causes Chiwa to be fired from the club, the next day she is summoned to meet Hokuto again, where he suddenly proposes to her. A marriage-of-convenience proposal. Can the couple find love in a purely business-like marriage contract?
然而,某一日,公司的社长间宮北斗(藤冈靛 饰)突然出现在了千和的面前,让千和万万没有想到的事,北斗不仅帮她还清的债务,还提出了结婚的请求。原来,北斗亦有着自己不得已的苦衷,为了继承家族产业,千和必须成为自己的妻子。在利益的驱使之下,一对本不相爱的男女走到了一起,在日后的生活之中,两人之间会擦出怎样的火花呢? Dean Fujioka stars as an elite businessman Hokuto who meets a young woman Chiwa (Nana Seino) working at a hostess bar to pay off her parents' debt. While their initial encounter causes Chiwa to be fired from the club, the next day she is summoned to meet Hokuto again, where he suddenly proposes to her. A marriage-of-convenience proposal. Can the couple find love in a purely business-like marriage contract?