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Baseball Bill

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暂无 It is the night before the big championship baseball game between the two village teams. Bill is the star player of the Town Picks and they are depending on him to win the game. Bill is in love with one of the girls in the village and naturally tells her of his hopes of winning the game next day. The girl's father and Bill cannot get along and the father, meeting Bill that night, orders him off the place. An opera troupe has visited the village, and when they depart Pinpoints, their manager, is left stranded in the town. While Pinpoints is wandering about the village he sees the notice about the championship game the next day. Bill's father runs a confectionery store and Bill is kept pretty busy the day of the ball game. The father cannot see the sport in playing ball and refuses Bill's request to get off. One of the women of the town phones an order for ice cream and Bill is sent to deliver It. Meanwhile the two teams have arrived on the field and Bill's absence is noted. Matters are finally straightened out and the game is started. The captain of the Town Picks sends one of his men to locate Bill. Pinpoints attends the ball game and notes that the Town Picks are being beaten. The boy sent by the manager finally locates Bill, who has had a breakdown and the ice cream is nearly melted. The woman who has ordered it arrives on the scene and the two boys take refuge in flight. They arrive at the ball park and Bill enters the game. With the addition of their star players the Town Picks give their opponents a merciless beating and Pinpoints proposes to Bill that they go to one of the large towns, where Bill will have an opportunity to develop his ability. In order to carry out this scheme Pinpoints takes up a collection from the merchants and tells them what a wonderful advertisement it will be to their town to have it known that Bill came from there. They arrange to leave next day. Bill decides to make one more effort to win his girl. Together they set out for the minister's. Pinpoints, fearing to lose Bill, follows him. The girl's father learns of the intended elopement and makes all haste to the minister's. Bill's father, too, gets wind of the affair and hurries to swell the crowd. The different parties arrive as the ceremony is just beginning and Bill, seeing all is against him, again takes refuge in flight. Pinpoints grabs him and rushes him to the station. The train is just pulling out, but the two succeed in catching it and leaving their pursuers behind.


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Baseball Bill播放列表

Baseball Bill:最新迅雷BT资源


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    The Sphere

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    Han Dan

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    In Our Day / 好好过日辰(港)

  • 6.0



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    City of Wind

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