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Inja cheraghi roshan ast

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暂无 Ghodrat is a disabled simple young boy who lives with a watchman of a shrine in a village . The watchman thinks that the people of village are having a misbelief to the shrine and they seldom come there like before. On the other hand people have lost their faith since none of their wishes and requests have been fulfilled by the shrine. During this time the watchman leaves the village for some time and puts Ghodrat in charge of shrine works. Ghodrat has this gift to communicate with spirits of those buried in shrines garden. Being so simple he spends all the belongings and the money of the shrine for the people and very soon the shrine is empty. One night a shepherdess loses her sheeps in darkness. Ghodrat who is in love with the girl, holds a light all night till morning until all the sheeps come to shrine .The next morning Ghodrat leaves the village by train towards a place where he believes the Master of shrine is there.


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