Hunting for interesting elements for a play, a photographer meets an old man, who has just had a heart attack He tries to save the man's life. In an effort to determine the old man's identity, he is confronted with the old man nostalgic memories.
- Written by Anonymous Hunting for interesting elements for a play, a photographer meets an old man, who has just had a heart attack He tries to save the man's life. In an effort to determine the old man's identity, he is confronted with the old man nostalgic memories.
- Written by Anonymous Hunting for interesting elements for a play, a photographer meets an old man, who has just had a heart attack He tries to save the man's life. In an effort to determine the old man's identity, he is confronted with the old man nostalgic memories.
西亚影史补遗;讲述某剧场摄影师在路边遇到一位心脏病发作的老人,遂将其送进医院救治。伴随摄影师翻阅的老人日记本,他的一生便呈现在我们面前。1、多数电影所谓的诗性叙事总是令观众如坠迷雾难以拨晓,但Saeed Ebrahimifar却拍得很浅显易懂。看似不着边际的人物摹绘实则是按时间循序跳跃并择以重要事件(父亲去世-女儿出生-妻子去世-女儿结婚-外孙出生)作记录节点(空镜头/笔绘创作用以过渡、承接)构成完整的人生回环——非“诗意地生活”,而是在生活中感受诗意。2、从烂漫少年到鹤发老翁,自呱呱落地到撒手人寰,生命未曾停止一步,如同小溪涓涓往前流、石榴花开花又谢,“时间是最伟大的谜”。3、明艳色彩/均衡构图/凸显人物对白声-弱化环境音处理,三扇门及水中虚影隐喻。4、新生婴儿+[查拉斯特拉如是说],歌赞生命之宏美。(8.5/10)
诗与人生 死即是生 (手法简洁 有意味的反复)