即将步入社会的大学生泽田拓人(三浦春马 饰),在残酷的就活战线上邂逅了同校同学部的女孩本乡惠(多部未华子 饰)。两个不断挫败的年轻人同病相怜,误会与好感相随,在交往的过程中逐渐加深了解。摘下面具的拓人如愿成为某家具公司的正式员工,小惠则在老年人看护机构找到前行的方向。一番周折后,两个年轻人总算走到了一起。当一切看似顺风顺水之时,拓人却发现自己的身体出了问题,经检查发现他竟罹患了不治之症——肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS),如果不借助呼吸机辅助的话,三到五年后他便会因呼吸肌麻痹死亡。
突然缩短的生命,对于正打算全力抓住幸福的拓人来说该如何面对…… Fourth year university student Sawada Takuto is having a tough time looking for a job. The eldest son of the director of a hospital, Takuto's parents had expected him to become a doctor, but they began to focus their hopes on his younger brother Rikuto instead, some time during his junior high school. Although Takuto is popular and good at befriending ladies, he has no confidence that he will be loved and thus avoids deep emotional involvement with anyone. One day, he is informed that he does not have long to live because he is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable, progressive neurodegenerative disease. Takuto, who had given only vague thoughts to his goals in life, starts to explore what is left of his life and live with a positive attitude.
突然缩短的生命,对于正打算全力抓住幸福的拓人来说该如何面对…… Fourth year university student Sawada Takuto is having a tough time looking for a job. The eldest son of the director of a hospital, Takuto's parents had expected him to become a doctor, but they began to focus their hopes on his younger brother Rikuto instead, some time during his junior high school. Although Takuto is popular and good at befriending ladies, he has no confidence that he will be loved and thus avoids deep emotional involvement with anyone. One day, he is informed that he does not have long to live because he is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable, progressive neurodegenerative disease. Takuto, who had given only vague thoughts to his goals in life, starts to explore what is left of his life and live with a positive attitude.
忍着眼泪终于又一次把这部剧看完了 好感人好赚眼泪 24岁的春马 瘦了很多 但还是那么帅 大眼睛长睫毛白白净净的少年感 春马的演技真的好好 基本每集都看哭 不知道流了多少次眼泪 拓人和春马本人好像啊 总是把痛苦留在心里 把微笑留给别人 这部剧让我了解了Als 渐冻症人活着真不容易 “我不怕死 我只是害怕活着”健康的身体真的很重要 巨讨厌多部末华子 太丑了 大妈脸 真白瞎了春马的帅气 如果说春马值十分 这女的倒扣六分