家里的小老鼠生了重病,鼠妈妈想办法医好自己的孩子,在途中偶遇了善良的乌鸦,又差点被坏猫吃了。终于经过一番冒险她成功的将药带回了家,但是她的冒险结束了吗?她的孩子真的得救了吗? Mrs. Brisby, a widowed mouse, lives in a cinder block with her children on the Fitzgibbon farm. She is preparing to move her family out of the field they live in as plowing time approaches, however her son Timothy has fallen ill, and moving him could prove fatal. Mrs. Brisby visits The Great Owl, a wise creature who advises her to visit a mysterious group of rats who live beneath a rose bush on the farm. Upon visiting the rats, Brisby meets Nicodemus, the wise and mystical leader of the rats, and Justin, a friendly rat who immediately becomes attached to Mrs. Brisby. While there, she learns that her late husband, Mr. Jonathon Brisby, along with the rats, was a part of a series of experiments at a place known only as N.I.M.H. (revealed earlier in the story as the National Institute of Mental Health). The experiments performed on the mice and rats there boosted their intelligence, allowing them to read without being taught and to understand things such as complex mechanics and electricity. The rats and Mr. Brisby escaped from N.I.M.H. and came to live on the Fitzgibbon farm. The rats created a home for themselves under Mrs. Fitzgibbon's rose bush, creating an elaborate habitation of beautiful chambers, elevators, and Christmas lights. However, the rats are unhappy in their dependence on the humans, who they are stealing electricity from, and have concocted a plan to leave the farm and live independently. Because of her husband's prior relationship with the rats, they agree to help Mrs. Brisby move her home out of the path of the plow. However, the evil Jenner and his unwilling accomplice Sullivan, who wish to remain beneath the rose bush, yet plot to kill Nicodemus during the move.
2.5 喜欢的老鼠题材 关于室内的建筑描写还挺多 画风还不错 少了点手绘草稿风格 人物和背景有点不协调 剧情就是勇敢妈妈拯救孩子 最后一个项链施展魔法就圆满结束 还要这么曲折干啥哈哈哈哈
勇敢鼠鼠不怕困难!mua的82年就有主角是有3.4个孩子的女英雄妈妈拯救家园的探险动画片......画风和人设跟我儿时最爱的《罗宾汉》巨像!女主Brisby漂亮又具有冒险精神,开头就搭救了一只乌鸦,虽然他们最后没有鼠鸦恋只是纯洁的友情!但也好逗。人类为了开辟土地用拖拉机到处破坏动物们的生存环境,看得我在屏幕面前皱着个大眉头龇牙咧嘴,但好在鼠鼠是拥有魔法哒!!结局超好www还有果然大鸟就是喜欢闪亮的宝石哈哈哈哈不知道是哪里看的,反正小时候就知道鸟喜欢宝石,鳄鱼喜欢“嘀嗒...嘀嗒...嘀嗒...”啊啊啊啊啊小飞侠乱入!爱鼠T T