本剧根据传记«Повесть о пережитом»改编,讲述了1928年至1953年发生在中国哈尔滨以及苏联的一系列与远东铁路相关的历史故事。
It All Began in Harbin is an 8-part miniseries based on autobiography depicting the fate of a Ukrainian family of a railroad dispatcher sent to Harbin, a Russian built city in China to work on Russo-Chinese railway and after it was purchased by Imperial Japan In 1935 returned to the U.S.S.R. together with 150,000 other Russians. Most of these repatriates were interned and brutally slaughtered by the KGB - Stalin could not trust people who had seen the other side of the "iron curtain" and who had rubbed shoulders with counter-revolutionary White Russian emigres. But the soul blessed with true love survives!
ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ 去年看了个头,今年才看完。。。这边从满洲日伪到新中国,那边是苏联前期到大清洗,时间跨越25年,真实故事改编。看到过去的俄内核中国装饰的,遍地走着满清装束的中国平民,西装革履的白俄,或是苏联满铁工人的,在日本兵严密看守下的哈尔滨,特别魔幻。爱情故事很狗血,但是神啊请赐给我一样的深情吧。。。