大日新闻社女记者麻仓智子(桐谷美玲 饰)拥有经济学的MBA学位,加上是该报社最大赞助商的女儿,最初自然令人青眼相待。可是完全不懂得采访办法的她写出来的报道不被社里采用,也被同事和领导视为卸不掉的麻烦。她不甘失败,将目光聚焦在老龄化问题,以“在家看护”为主题策划一系列的报道,等实际接触那些老人后才发现,她的设想未免过于理想化,生活无法自理的老人不仅给自己和家人带来沉重的负担,也不免以孤独死的悲惨方式离开人间。当智子的信念开始动摇之际,她才放过的老人却接二连三死亡,看似自然死亡的背后藏着不可告人的秘密……
本片根据仙川环的同名原作改编。 Asakura Tomoko obtained her MBA at an American university and is a rookie reporter for a Tokyo newspaper's local news desk. Although she is good at numerical expressions, she has not much interest in understanding the feelings of her interview subjects. Furthermore, she has nothing but a lot of pride, and seems to have been branded an unqualified reporter by her superior because of this. In an attempt to overturn this perception, Tomoko decides to do a story on home nursing care based on her memories of her grandfather. However, she gets overwhelmed by the harsh reality and unexpectedly stumbles across a series of unexplained deaths of elderly people receiving such care.
本片根据仙川环的同名原作改编。 Asakura Tomoko obtained her MBA at an American university and is a rookie reporter for a Tokyo newspaper's local news desk. Although she is good at numerical expressions, she has not much interest in understanding the feelings of her interview subjects. Furthermore, she has nothing but a lot of pride, and seems to have been branded an unqualified reporter by her superior because of this. In an attempt to overturn this perception, Tomoko decides to do a story on home nursing care based on her memories of her grandfather. However, she gets overwhelmed by the harsh reality and unexpectedly stumbles across a series of unexplained deaths of elderly people receiving such care.
20150102 42