臭名昭著的行骗首领Mickey Bricks (Adrian Lester饰)将携同党设局老将Albert Stroller (Robert Vaughn饰) 及别名'三袜'的技术特工Morgan (Robert Glenist饰) 回归银屏. 本季中, 同时回归的还有姐弟双雄Sean 和 Emma Kennedy (Kelly Adams <Holby City>及Matt Di Angelo <伦敦东区>饰), 两人于先前接受行骗艺术教育, 如今顺利毕业并以正式成员的身份加入该行骗团体. 本季将延续以往风格, 以行骗团体奋力解救更多贪图不义之财的商人为故事主轴展开新篇章. 与此同时, Sean 和 Emma 也将跟随组织于实践中领悟行骗生涯所带来的大规模风险及回报.
转自冰冰字幕。。。 Having 'sold' the Houses of Parliament to some Japanese businessmen the quintet of hustlers smugly seek another mark and have a choice of three unsympathetic victims. However they change their plan to trap Wendy Stanton,who rooks young girls like Eddie's niece Kacey of their savings with her less than above board model agency. Micky poses as a designer anxious to sign Kacey up as the face of his UK Chic line. A bogus shoot is set up in a disused warehouse where Wendy is asked to invest a five figure sum to have her name associated with the launch. An even more elaborate scam follows,involving the supposed ransom of a non-existent Brit caught drug peddling in Thailand,which allows the hustlers to also fleece their original three targets whilst Kacey is given a contract with Wendy's honest rival.
转自冰冰字幕。。。 Having 'sold' the Houses of Parliament to some Japanese businessmen the quintet of hustlers smugly seek another mark and have a choice of three unsympathetic victims. However they change their plan to trap Wendy Stanton,who rooks young girls like Eddie's niece Kacey of their savings with her less than above board model agency. Micky poses as a designer anxious to sign Kacey up as the face of his UK Chic line. A bogus shoot is set up in a disused warehouse where Wendy is asked to invest a five figure sum to have her name associated with the launch. An even more elaborate scam follows,involving the supposed ransom of a non-existent Brit caught drug peddling in Thailand,which allows the hustlers to also fleece their original three targets whilst Kacey is given a contract with Wendy's honest rival.
Shape of My Heart.
e2 高利贷女老板和1英镑的合同 以其人之道还治其人之身 emma的前男友败在还不够了解真实的自己 这可能就是人性经不起考验的主要原因 e3 号称最正直公平的庄家其实是靠作弊起的家 s5某集的ash小课堂强调过要让mark以为自己是局面的掌控者 这一集又对这一点做了详尽展开 fake wheel fake auction e5 让sean假扮球员 用50 grand钓鱼 很牵强 不能说谎的ash在mark面前摊牌 很扯淡 差评! e6 假扮警察的线人吓退mafia & shape of albert’s heart //这一季的mark大多一根筋 都是不太聪明的样子 导致骗局普遍比较简单
Shape of My Heart这首歌曲用在Albert简直绝了!Ash的人设我很喜欢,角色诠释很到位,Eddie已经呆萌了七季了,见到他就想笑哈哈哈。此剧应大力推广,反面教材
E1Mickey演的设计师虽然很stereotype但是神态动作都很有那味hhh。E2在好多部分在特意给到了Birmingham,到处都好眼熟 New Street Station, Bullring 都太熟悉了hhh。Albert:It's Birmingham, no decent hotels or restaurants, I cannot tell if they have electricity.E5Sean假扮球员的造型感觉比平时好看,大概是比较嫩【。Ash摔到脑剧情就很搞。E6结尾好萧索,但是又觉得就是这样,Albert之前第四季不是也说过么 作为grifter很难有正常的生活。
有了更多感情的加入 追求刺激与自由可能就会丧失平凡而普通的“家庭生活”
Oh, Albert.