简介:The Donn of Tiki attempts to separate fact from exaggeration to tell Don the Beachcomber's incredulous life story, along with how he inadvertently created the Tiki subculture.
简介:'Villisca' is a ghost story set in the actual house of the notorious and still unsolved 1912 ax murders. Three outcast teenagers break into the house in search of answers, but discover something far beyond their worst fears.
简介:Cobie Smulders主演﹑Jason Richman负责的《树墩城侦探 Stumptown》改编自同名图画小说,剧中讲述具实力、自信、机智的女主Dex Parios过去是个陆军老兵,而她现在于俄勒冈州波特兰市中当私家侦探。在漫威电 影宇宙里饰演Maria Hill﹑《老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met Your Mother》主演Cobie Smulders饰演女主角,Dex以前是军队海外情报官,回到家乡后没法找到稳定工作,日常只好小赌怡情﹑照顾弟弟,以及等待新案件找上门来。
简介:Carlyn as she is drawn into a deadly situation by her estranged sister’s will. Money makes people do all kinds of things. But most people will find themselves going over to the dark side when it seems to just slip out of their hands.