简介:故事发生在上世纪的六十年代,布莱恩(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是乐队“海滩男孩”的队长。布莱恩极富魅力,才华横溢,唱作俱佳,在他的带领下,乐队很快就在业内赢得了不菲的声誉,稳坐畅销榜的首位。 乐队的扬名立万带来的却是一桩桩的麻烦和排山倒海而来的压力,最终,布莱恩不堪重负,精神濒临崩溃的边缘。就在这时,布莱恩遇见了名为尤金(保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)的精神科医生。一直以来,尤金以其过激的治疗方式在业内引起过诸多的争议,然而,布莱恩的病情却在尤金的治疗之下渐渐好转,可是,随着时间的推移,尤金步步紧逼,渐渐掌控了布莱恩的全部生活,令他和他的乐队成员之间产生了激烈的矛盾。
简介:Dancers Pilatus and Morvan rise to fame in the late 1980's who become stars with No.1 hits and won Grammy. The duo never sang a word in their songs and the truth was revealed, they stared as one of the biggest scandals in music history.
简介:Based on the novel by Jeremy Jackson, story follows a rural teenager (Booth) who loses his best friends in a tragic accident and channels his survivor's guilt into an addiction to running, becoming a high school track star. 根据杰里米杰克逊的同名小说《我生命的速度》改编
简介:A group of stoners discover the only way to survive the zombie apocalypse is to continue smoking the potent and onerous strain of marijuana they just invented.
简介:名噪一时桑迪·科明斯基和自己多年的经纪人诺曼·纽兰德在晚年仍然“夕阳无限好”。奥斯卡金像奖得主迈克尔·道格拉斯(饰演科明斯基)和艾伦·阿金(饰演纽兰德)饰演一对好友,共同应对生活中无法避免的难题,并在晚年居住在崇尚青春和美丽的洛杉矶。《好莱坞教父》这部剧集搞笑又感人,共 8 集,每集时长半小时,由 8 次获得艾美奖提名的查克·罗瑞倾情打造。 《好莱坞教父》的编剧为阿尔·希金斯、戴维·杰夫鲍姆和查克·罗瑞,他还担任第一集的导演。本片由罗瑞、希金斯和迈克尔·道格拉斯担任监制,并由 Chuck Lorre Productions, Inc. 和 Warner Bros. Television 共同制作。
简介:Two college-aged best friends try to stave off the boredom and insanity of the Zombie Apocalypse by hosting their own online show from their basement.