简介:French artist Sophie Calle chose to display a video loop, 'Couldn't Capture Death', from the final moments of her mother Monique Sindler's life, at the 52nd Venice Biennale in 2007.
简介:该片与英国纸商霍华德·史密斯纸业集团生产的限量版同名期刊同步制作。阅读书籍的动作启发了这部动态影像的结构。抽象的形状排列和骰子的图像穿插着隐晦的格言(“随着明确意义的增加,掷骰子的隐含意义变得清晰”);而箭头则暗示翻页的动作。韦纳通过重新利用他1981年的音频作品《Where It Came From》作为配乐,为影片增加了另一层复杂性和神秘感。在罗马·巴兰(Roma Baran)的钢琴伴奏下,韦纳解释道:“艺术不是对物体间相互关系及其与人类相关性的隐喻,而是对经验存在事实的再现。”
简介:Juxtaposition of seeing and sounding, sky and stone and all that’s in between. A short walk in an alleyway, to hear vision sounding images, blessed with light and darkness.