简介:以乡村生活为主题的综艺,是讲述受到来自城市的"Gen-Z"(1990年代中期~2010年代初期出生的一代)喜爱的艺人们乡村生活的样子的节目。 除了五位主持人之外,节目组每集还邀请了活跃在各个领域的 Z 世代特邀嘉宾,因无论在哪里寻找属于自己“时尚”城市的Z世代出演者究竟会以怎样的面貌适应乡村生活而备受关注。
简介:《YES OR NO》第三季是一档脑洞推理类微综艺,“是不是侦探社”的四位侦探通过一位当事人“是”与“不是”的回答来推理出案件线索,使其串联成一个完整的悬疑推理短片故事。整季节目分为六大主题场景,18个案件,新增定制化团建6期。整季由13名飞行嘉宾助力2名常驻侦探寻找还原案件真相,更有神秘BOSS背后操盘,谁是最后的赢家。
简介:Winter is coming to the mountains. Jake's lion hunt ends badly, Tom and Nancy fight the local coyote population, Jason faces off with a problem black bear, Mike fights predators intent on his fish, and Josh Kirk hunts for the larder.
简介:Tom and Nancy face the onset of winter and Jake hunts pronghorn antelope, while Eustace begins teaching new neighbours the mountain man way. Mike heads to sea in search of better hunting grounds, and Martha goes off road.
简介:As winter closes in, Morgan and Margaret fly North to track down the great caribou migration and secure meat; Marty preps his trapline for the arrival of his daughter, Noah; Jake starts his season tracking two lions. Eustace takes on an apprentice and uncovers some illicit activity on his new land; Kidd and Harry rescue horses from a pack of hungry wolves.